Master Fishmonger Standard

Master Fishmongers crest

Passionate about fish and the environment, whilst upholding the heritage and craftmanship of the fishmonger trade, the Master Fishmonger Standard celebrates professional excellence by certifying fishmongers with extensive professional skills and knowledge.

To be a certified MFS Fishmonger shows a true commitment to the fish trade and to the future of our oceans.

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Forthcoming Events & Courses

There are no MFS Courses currently running. Once we re-launch these they are for the fishmongers wishing to update their knowledge and hone their skills before taking the MFS Recognised or MFS Advanced Fishmonger Assessment, comprised of a knowledge test and practical observation

The course is composed of seven different topics, all of which are taught by one of our industry experts. You are welcome to attend the three-day course and assessment, or of you prefer you may choose to only come to the courses where you feel you need the most support.

We strongly recommended that all candidates complete the MFS workbook

About the Standard

We are passionate about fish and the environment, and believe that those who do good should be rewarded.

Developed by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers (The Fishmongers’ Company), the Master Fishmonger Standard celebrates skilled craftmanship, quality seafood and responsible and sustainable practices.

Recognising achievement across all levels, the Standard provides a system of nationally-recognised grades which reflect levels of attainment within the fishmonger profession. By rewarding excellent practice across the trade, the Standard strives to encourage and enable a high standard of skill and the growth of knowledge about the seafood industry.

As a truly independent organisation, Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance governs the Standard, with training and assessment provided by the Company-approved regional delivery centres and assessors.

Our Fishmonger Standards:

MFS Recognised Fishmonger

A well-rounded fishmonger or blocksman with great husbandry craft skills and who demonstrates exceptional drive and tenacity.

MFS Advanced Fishmonger

An experienced and dexterous supervisor or manager within the fishmonger trade, who understands the seafood supply chain, quality assessment, food safety and HACCP, handling and processing, as well as business and finance.

MFS Master Fishmonger

An innovative, knowledgeable and highly-skilled fishmonger, with a wealth of experience in the industry. Master Fishmongers have their own fishmonger business or work in senior management, they support training and development initiatives and are advocates for the industry.

MFS Companion Fishmonger

An esteemed fishmonger who has demonstrated outstanding lifetime achievements in the fish trade.

MFS Craft Fishmonger

MFS Craft Fishmongers are highly skilled and experienced in the art of preparing a range of fish and shellfish products with minimum loss of yield and at efficient speeds.


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